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However, to everyone's surprise, the front line began on the west coast. Fighting took place all over the world, but the east coast and Tieragon remained relatively quiet. Like all wars, prisoners were captured. Some place was needed to keep their growing number, and Tieragon seemed perfect: exisiting walls, armed guards, and low radiation levels. The current people living in the city were asked to leave and even given loans to help. However some people felt Tieragon was still home and, for their individual reason, chose to stay. These citizens lived alongside all kinds of criminals: murderers, prisoners of war, thieves, vagrants, etc. Initially these determined, but foolish, citizens were given pass-cards allowing them to come and go from the city as they liked. Robberies and homicides over these passes quickly led to their being cancelled and nullified. As the war continued and one side realized their losing position, nuclear strikes were used as a last resort. The other side, surviving this attack, responded mercilessly with everything they had, resulting in almost complete eradication of all opposition. Casualties of war were, unfortunately, much higher than expected. Nevertheless capitulation was quickly declared. Only a small amount of fighting took place at Tieragon, and bomb damage was light. Miraculously, it escaped the nuclear bombs, however it did receive its share of fall-out... THE WAY IT IS ------------- Tieragon, fully encircled by a 250 foot high wall, became nick-named "Final World". The walls, 200 feet wide, contain ex-military security troops attempting to keep the peace. There is only one door completely exiting Tieragon. However there are four gates in the wall, one on each side, allowing guards quick access to the various areas of the city. These gates define "security" with well-trained guards and almost unlimited anti-personnel weaponry. Surprisingly, twenty years after the Final War, countless numbers of the early innocent inhabitants remain. Constant random and brutal crimes are every-day occurences. A lot of the buildings have been torn down or abandoned. Nevertheless, the remaining citzenry try hard to simply live their lives, run their shops, keep their hotels, or provide whatever services they've long made their lives doing. Having the citizens live alongside the prisoners and guards, an unexpected problem has arose: It is becoming increasingly hard tell everyone apart. Who are the criminals? Who are the normal citizens? In the early days, it was difficult, but order was maintained. That soon became unachievable as the criminals learned the city and how to take advantage of it. Now troops venture into Tieragon only in huge, easy to defend groups. It is very little problem for those wanting to remain undetected to stay out of the guards' way. Criminals have tried just about every means to escape from the city. Very few make it, but hundreds have died in the attempt. Between the armed guards, electrified walls, computer laser turrets, and land-mines, escape is only a dream. An actual attempt turns out to be more of a nightmare. CITY LAYOUT ----------- Massive walls surround Tieragon making the entire city a rough square. There are four gates, one in each of the north, south, east, and west walls. The main, most frequently used gate is in the middle of the south wall. The outer edges of the city, closest to the walls, are the most under control. The deeper into the city ones goes, the more wild and out of control it gets. The downtown center of the city is the heart of all major crime activity. The worst of the worst live here. In the south-east corner is a dark, stinking swamp, full of strange mutants and vicious animals. It is rumoured that this swamp is growing and the surrounding buildings are starting to sink. On the west side of town is Karameikos Park; a strange, eerie wooded area where the residents try living in ye ol' Medieval days. It is not uncommon seeing a man walking around here in full plate armour carrying a heavy sword. On the opposite side of town, the east side, is a more deserted area containing old-west-style buildings. People here have regressed into a bad spaghetti-western-type world. Hangings and six-gun shoot-outs are daily occurrences. There are numerous other interesting places of activity: hotels, fall-out shelters, science labs, subways, etc. Most are run-down and falling apart, but some are surprisingly well kept. YOUR JOB : EXTERMINATOR ----------------------- You have only just arrived within the city walls to begin your career as an Exterminator. Exterminators are modern versions of the bounty-hunter. Tieragon, because of it's situation and problems, is the perfect place for the Exterminator, and city officials more than encourage them. The city's armoury is huge, providing more than enough weapons and armour to get started. The hunt is the Exterminators life. Track down and take-out criminals. The more notorious the criminal, the higher the bounty is upon finally returning to the city wall. After some money is earned, better equipment can be purchased and harder criminals hunted. Often it is difficult to pick out your quarry from the normal citizens and other Exterminators. Be prepared to talk with, or possibly work with, lesser criminals and Exterminators in order to achieve more difficult goals and reach well-hidden lawbreakers and miscreants. Lock and load. Good hunting. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ